News Bulletin – 27 March 2021

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25 March

1. Maritime studies that offer endless career possibilities above and under the sea

25 March 2021 : Coastal erosion. Pollution that is threatening our marine resources. Accelerating changes in the world’s climate, combined with modern practices including deep-sea mining and activities that result in increasing ocean noise and meeting global energy demands, are presenting professionals in the maritime industry with unprecedented challenges. Without a doubt, the maritime landscape is shifting with the rising tides of technology. Advances in shipbuilding, propulsion, smart shipping, advanced materials, big data and analytics, robotics, sensors and communications in conjunction with an increasingly skilled workforce have monumental shifts in how the maritime industry approaches new challenges and opportunities. 

2. Digitalisation and the seafarer of the future

25 March 2021 : The global supply and demand for seafarers has been a hot topic over the last few years and the role of the seafarer in the future is an equally pressing question. Digitalisation is bringing a wave of change and predicting the future skillsets required by seafarers has sparked debate. While there can be no blanket approach to answering these questions in the maritime industry, technology is transforming how work gets done. But change takes time, for many good reasons, and we might consider the role of seafarers changing through evolution, rather than a revolution.

3. How Small Steps Can Unlock Shipping’s Future

25 March 2021 : The world is changing for shipping. Cargo markets are evolving as global trading patterns are shifting. The crew change crisis is ongoing – although the Neptune Declaration, which Bureau Veritas has proudly signed, indicates a serious resolve to address the issue. Technological innovation is disrupting established working practices, both onboard and ashore but presenting massive opportunities. Shipping keeps doing its important job but the energy transition looms over everything.

24 March

4. New On-demand Content Service for Seafarers

24 March 2021 : A new on-demand service for movies, news and information has been built and launched for mariners working on board the typical deep-sea merchant vessels.

While crew welfare in the form of modern IPTV entertainment is now part of the expected in some maritime segments, this is not the case in a typical tanker, bulk and container vessels, where the technology is often perceived as being too complicated and costly, says Norway-based BazePort.

5. Seafarer App Mapping Ocean Pollution Used to Clear Isle of Man Beaches

24 March 2021 : The ocean pollution mapping platform Eyesea, which is supported by and uses data compiled by the commercial shipping industry, was recently deployed for the first time to organize a coastal clean-up operation. Launched in beta trials at the end of 2020, the system seeks to use data submitted by seafarers on commercial ships and recreational boaters to map pollution in the oceans and shoreline to help local authorities with clean-up operations.

23 March

6. National Maritime Charity Calls for Hero Nominations

23 March 2021 : National maritime charity, the Shipwrecked Mariners’ Society, is calling on members of the maritime and rescue communities to nominate those who have demonstrated outstanding bravery and expertise in aiding those in peril at sea, for its annual Skill and Gallantry Awards.Since 1851, the Society has presented the awards to individuals and crews who have shown courage, bravery and expert skill in rescues at sea and once again is on the lookout for our seafaring heroes.

22 March

7. Set up knowledge, research centre for coastal studies

22 March 2021 : The coastal belt in the State immediately requires the establishment of a knowledge, capacity building, institutional development and research and development centre, Dean and Professor, College of Fisheries, A. Senthil Vel said here on Sunday.

Speaking on “Emerging opportunities in the coastal region of Karnataka, harnessing the potential” at the Karnataka Coastline Business Conclave 2021 organised by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FCCI), Prof. Vel said that such a centre is required for studies related to oceanography, coastal and marine conservation, climate change, sea level rise and salinity intrusion.

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