Following Stories compiled in this News Digest for the week from 27 Dec 2021 to 02 Jan 2022 in descending order:
- Evergreen Hands Out Huge Bonuses for Record-Setting Year
- Germany welcomes 1st emission-free hydrogen-fueled tugboat
- US CDC Says Everyone, Even Fully Vaccinated, Should Avoid Cruise Ships
- Panama Recovers 10.4 Million Dollars In Wages Due To The Seafarers By Means Of The PMA
- Panama Issues Over 255,000 Electronic Certificates to Seafarers
- Omicron VS the seafarer
- 2021 Was a Historic Low Point for Piracy, But Many Threats Remain
- One Crew Member Killed, Six Kidnapped in New Gulf of Guinea Incident
- India: Sagarmala programme to boost India’s coastal economy
- 175 countries move to end illicit activities in Gulf of Guinea
- Exodus of Seafarers Could Add to Supply Chain Disruption in 2022
- Dubai Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation adopts 4.5-day working week
- Cruise ships denied docking over COVID cases
- Philippines: ’Odette’ downs close to 300 ships in CV
- World’s 1st zero-emission all-electric tanker launched in Japan
- India: Nautical tourism is an option to consider
- Live at Sea With These 5 New Residential Ships
Evergreen Hands Out Huge Bonuses for Record-Setting Year
02 Jan 2022
Evergreen Marine Corp (EMC), the Taiwanese ocean carrier, is reportedly handing out generous annual bonuses after a great year for the company’s finances. Some employees are reportedly receiving a princely sum equal to 40 months’ salary.

Buoyed by a surge in container freight rates, shipping companies witnessed a tremendous revenue growth. Container-shipping profits amounted to an extraordinary $48.1 billion in Q3 alone.
As for Evergreen, it reported an after-tax profit of $5.7 billion and earnings per share of $1.09 for the first three quarters of the year.
According to Central News Agency, a Chinese media outlet, the big bonuses were issued on Thursday morning. Some took home as much as $72,400 – equivalent to 40 months’ salary. However, EMC later clarified that the bonuses were based on performance, hence different for each employee.
This is a major gain from last year, when top employees were getting bonuses equal to 10 months’ salary.
“Due to the soaring shipping rates, the usually slow fourth quarter has been brisk, with some earnings even better that the third quarter,” said Eric Hsieh, president of Evergreen Marine. Reference
Germany welcomes 1st emission-free hydrogen-fueled tugboat
01 Jan 2022
Earlier this month, the German consortium has welcomed a new emission-free hydrogen-fueled tugboat Elektra at Berlin’s largest inland port Westhafen.
Following the two-year construction at the shipyard Hermann Barthel in Derben, the vessel is now ready for testing, the project partners informed.

Since 2016, the consortium has been working on the development of an emission-free hybrid/electrically driven experimental vehicle for use in the Berlin-Brandenburg region and for commercial operation between Berlin and Hamburg.
The project consortium comprises Behala, Berlin harbour’s warehousing and logistics firm, Herrmann Barthel shipyard, Ballard Power Systems, a supplier of fuel cells, Anleg, a supplier of hydrogen tanks, ship electronics expert Rostock, Imperial logistics, a shipping company, EST-Floattech and TU Berlin.
The project partners expect Elektra to serve as a role model as the first zero-emission vessel with the energy system designed to be transferable to a wide range of inland and coastal vessel types.
The basis of the newly developed hybrid system is the battery package, consisting of 242 DNV-GL approved GO1050 modules with a total capacity of 2.5MWh, delivered by EST-Floattech, as well as three maritime fuel cell systems, NT-PEMFC, 100kW peak power each.
Although the power of the battery and the fuel cells will be used together to power the electric motors, for complete redundancy the two powertrains are entirely independent systems, EST Floattech explained.
With 750 kg of usable gaseous hydrogen at a pressure of 500 bar on board and a battery capacity of 2,500-kilowatt hours, the ship has a range of approximately 400 kilometres in a pushed convoy with the loaded URSUS heavy-lift lighter. As described, in the trade lanes from Berlin Rhine/Ruhr, Hamburg and Szczecin, one additional shore station is needed to supply the Elektra with hydrogen and electricity. Reference
US CDC Says Everyone, Even Fully Vaccinated, Should Avoid Cruise Ships
01 Jan 2022
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said people should avoid traveling on cruise ships regardless of their vaccination status, as daily COVID-19 cases in the country climb to record highs due to the fast-spreading Omicron variant.

The move delivers another blow to the cruise industry that had just started returning to the seas in June after a months-long suspension of voyages caused by the pandemic.
The CDC on Thursday raised its COVID-19 travel health notice level for cruise ships to its highest warning level, citing reports of COVID-19 outbreaks on cruises.
The health agency has investigated and still probing into COVID-19 cases on more than 90 ships. It starts scrutiny if 0.10% or more passengers on guest voyages test positive for COVID-19.
Shares in Carnival Corp, Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd and Royal Caribbean Group reversed course to fall about 1% after the travel advisory from the CDC.
“The decision by the CDC to raise the travel level for cruise is particularly perplexing considering that cases identified on cruise ships consistently make up a very slim minority of the total population onboard,” the Cruise Lines International Association said.
Norwegian Cruise, meanwhile, said it believed guests on its ships were better protected from contracting COVID-19 than in any other general population setting.
The company and Carnival said the CDC’s decision had not impacted scheduled itineraries.
The CDC said passengers already on cruise ships should get tested three to five days after their trip ends, and self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms for 14 days. Reference
Panama Recovers 10.4 Million Dollars In Wages Due To The Seafarers By Means Of The PMA
The Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) informs that from July 1, 2019
until December 27, 2021, they have achieved the historic recovery of USD$ 10,447,142.25 in wages due by the shipowners to the seafarers, navigating onboard ships of Panamanian flag.

From this record amount, USD$ 7,660,455.55 correspond to 2021, representing an increase of 279% regarding the closing of 2020, that was of USD$ 2,021,691.29.
Furthermore, this administration has achieved the process of 797 maritime labor complaints, 56 maritime labor conciliations and through the intervention of the PMA the shipowners, operators and P&I Clubs repatriated 1.386 crewmembers from different nationalities, who were abandoned on ships of Panamanian flag in different parts of the world, allowing their return to their homes, to their families, with the payment of their wages due, guaranteeing compliance with the national and international regulations protecting their labor and social rights.
• From January 1 until December 27, 2021.
• A payment USD$ 7, 660,455.55 in wages due, by the shipowners to the seafarers.
• Process of 243 labor complaints.
• Process of 19 labor conciliations.
• Due to the intervention of the PMA, the shipowners repatriated 761 crewmembers from ships of Panamanian flag in different parts of the world.
• 2020 Closing.
• Payment USD$ 2, 021,691.29 in wages due by the shipowners to the seafarers.
• Process of 427 labor complaints.
• Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, no labor conciliations took place this year.
• The PMA intervened to achieve the repatriation of 539 crewmembers of Panamanian flag, in different parts of the world.
• 2019 Closing.
• Payment of USD$ 764,995.41 in wages due by the shipowners to the seafarers.
• Process of 127 labor complaints.
• Process of 37 labor conciliations.
• The intervention of the PMA helped to achieve the shipowners’ repatriation of 86 crew members of ships bearing the Panamanian flag, in different parts of the world.
This hard endeavor, evidences once more, our commitment with the compliance with national and international conventions, and the national regulations on seafarers labor onboard ships of Panamanian flag, with the application of the set of standards that regulate life conditions, guarantee decent work, such as the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006 as amended, ratified by the Republic of Panama on 2009; its regulation in Panama through the Executive Decree No. 86 from 2013 and the Executive Decree No. 160 from March 3, 2021; that are achieving these excellent results.
The General Directorate of Seafarers of the Panama Maritime Authority, looks after the labor rights of the seafarers so they are respected, enforcing the procedures meant to resolve swiftly and efficiently the conflicts and problems that afflict the seafarers, guaranteeing a safe back-up, as a serious and responsible ship registry. Reference
Panama Issues Over 255,000 Electronic Certificates to Seafarers
31 Dec 2021
The Panama Maritime Authority (PMA) has issued 255 thousand 714 electronic certificates since the end of December, 2020, until November 30, 2021, demonstrating the great acceptance of their product by the clients.

These documents include: Transitory Certificates, certificate of course endorsement, proficiency certificates and endorsement of proficiency certificates, which is estimated to generate a yearly saving of approximately USD$ 217, 357.00 for the State. Likewise, some certificates and documents are still issued in the printed format, in security paper if the user requests so.
At the issuance of these certificates and technical documentation for the seafarers in electronic format, all the safety measures required to guarantee their validity are maintained, the administrative processes are streamlined and the process for the seafarers onboard ships of Panamanian flag navigating worldwide are eased by processing their documents online, transparently and expeditiously, thanks to the implementation of Resolution ADM-165-2020 from November 11, 2020, that started ruling at the end of December, 2020.
These documents have a unique tracking number, as well as a quick verification code (QR Code) that allow seafarers and inspectors to speed-up the processes of obtaining and validation of the document, complying with the verification, notification and implantation processes established in Circ. FAL.5/Circ.39. Rev.2.
This is how the PMA moves along in its process of modernization, innovation and digitalization, key elements for the improvement of its operations, and at the same time, contributes with the sustainable maritime transportation for a sustainable planet in this case, by boosting and implementing a paperless culture. Reference
Omicron VS the seafarer
31 Dec 2021
By Shiv Halbe: 2019 December sounds so long ago! Yes, that was the time we heard about the COVID virus, and which many of us naively believed to be a hype by the media, and the ensuing impact it was having on the general populace in the world, as well as travel between countries.

For India, the real coming to terms was when the nation-wide lockdown was announced on 24th March 2020, and the resultant disarray to our seemingly organized lives.
After much aligning, changing and deviations of regulations, we believed that we were on the right path and things seemed to be somewhat under control by the beginning of 2021. Then the so-called ‘2nd wave’ struck and we witnessed unparalleled mayhem.
What did this mean for the Indian seafarer? From a somewhat routinely harassed lifestyle, he was upgraded to an assured ‘harassed’ lifestyle, one which was sanctioned by the states! The same states which were eloquent (in normal times) about rights of seafarers, clamped down on their movement, including medical care, and tossed their basic rights into the bin!
After much vaccination and persuasion, when the countries which had ‘tightened up’ started to ‘open up’ to the idea of permitting crew changes under controlled conditions, the latest variant (OMICRON) has stuck its head out.
What does it mean for the seafarer and those tasked with movement of seafarers? It simply means that the era of uncertainty with regard to movement of seafarers across borders, from and to ports of embarkation and disembarkation, will once again reign supreme! The countries, in their scramble to protect their populace (rightfully) will target that miniscule population (seafarers) who are engaged in keeping the wheels of global trade moving. The leading nations of the world could come together at short notice and literally bomb a country out of existence, but they do not seem to be able to come together to facilitate the movement of seafarers for joining and be repatriated from their ships! We want the EXIM trade to be unhindered, but who cares for the seafarers who move the goods?
In the days of yore, there was a Dufferin Anthem, a song the cadets on board the erstwhile TS Dufferin knew by heart:
We are on the road; we are on the road to anywhere
With never a heartache, never a care
Got no home, got no friends
Thankful for everything the good Lord sends….
Time has come for all seafarers to memorize this song. There seem to be no friends for them on planet earth! Reference
2021 Was a Historic Low Point for Piracy, But Many Threats Remain
31 Dec 2021
Global piracy in 2021 is at its lowest level since 1994. Moreover, this level is achieved with the inclusion of many incidents that do not meet the UNCLOS definition of maritime piracy, especially when considering the location of events.

For example, 90 incidents of piracy were reported in Asia. In fact, all of these incidents occurred within 6 nautical miles of the coast (nearly half of them at anchor). It is worth noting that more than half of the incidents (49) occurred in the Singapore Strait – more precisely, in the eastern part of the Strait, between 102 and 117 degrees East. It is worth noting that sea robbers were very frequently armed with knives or firearms, sometimes using violence or coercion during the acts of robbery, which is a notable development in this region.
Maritime piracy in the Indian Ocean has almost disappeared. Only one event (an incident aboard the ANATOLIAN on August 13, along the coast of Somalia) has been considered as a “maritime piracy act” by some specialized agencies, but the description of the event is more oriented towards post-smuggling. In the northern Indian Ocean, several cases of maritime terrorism have been reported against tankers attacked by air or sea drones near Oman and the entrance to the Persian Gulf or along the Yemeni coast and the entrance to the Red Sea.
In South America, two cases of piracy were reported against a yacht and an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico. The other cases are concentrated in the anchorage areas of Callao in Peru and Guayaquil in Ecuador. Also noteworthy are the cases of two ships attacked in Port Aux Princes, Haiti, by heavily armed men.
No cases of piracy were reported in the Mediterranean, but several ships/tankers were stopped by the Libyan coast guard while transiting through ‘unauthorized’ areas. Illegal maritime migration remains high, with several cases of rescued migrants threatening the ship’s crew during rescue.
Finally, the Gulf of Guinea, despite the drastic decrease in piracy acts observed in 2021 – a drop of more than 60 percent compared to 2020 – remains the hot spot for global maritime piracy. The year can be divided into two unequal parts in intensity and duration, with a very high level of threats/incidents until mid-February, followed by a sharp decline during the remaining 10 months of the year. Reference
One Crew Member Killed, Six Kidnapped in New Gulf of Guinea Incident
31 Dec 2021
As if to prove that the scourge of piracy is far from over despite the reports of the significant decrease in the Gulf of Guinea region, a new attack occurred overnight. It appears that one crew member was killed during the attack and as many as six others have been kidnapped from what may have been an opportunistic target.

MDAT-GoG, the monitoring operation for the region, reports a boarding at 3:00 a.m. local time on December 30. They are placing the attack in the territorial waters of Equatorial Guinea, which would make it the third attack in the region in December 2021. They are reporting the boarding while saying the incident is over.
International security analysts Dryad Global is providing additional details in their alert. They said the assault took place on a Chinese-owned fishing vessel in the Mbini area of Equatorial Guinea. Dryad places the vessel approximately 12 nautical miles northeast of the FPSO Ceibo.
It is understood that the vessel was approached by a speedboat with an unknown number of perpetrators, says Dryad. “The perpetrators are believed to have been armed and one crew member is understood to have been killed in the attack. Reporting indicates that six personnel, including the captain, have been kidnapped from the vessel.” The crew members are understood to be from Ghana and Mali.
Security analysts have warned that as the security efforts increased in the region that the pirates would continue to target opportunistic vessels. While they still have the capacity to target larger commercial vessels, such as the recent assault on a Greek-owned containership chartered to CMA CGM, they are also seeking out smaller vessels that they perceive to be more vulnerable.
“Prior to the recent attacks, waters off Equatorial Guinea have historically witnessed significantly less reporting than those of neighboring waters,” writes Dryad in its analysis of the new attack. “Pirates have historically shown a capacity to avoid the maritime security footprint within the Gulf of Guinea and are likely to seek to continue to exploit weaknesses where these are found. Pirates have also shown an intent to reinforce success in areas where operations have been successful and as such the risk to vessels operating within both Equatorial Guinean waters and those offshore is increased.”
The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) reported that piracy and armed robberies of ships and their crews reached a nearly 30 year low during the first nine months of 2021. The report highlighted that the Gulf of Guinea was showing strong decreases in all forms of crime. The IMB reported just 28 incidents of piracy and armed robbery in the first nine months of 2021, in comparison to 46 for the same period in 2020. Reference
India: Sagarmala programme to boost India’s coastal economy
30 Dec 2021
The Modi government’s Sagarmala programme is strengthening India’s coastal economy like never before! Apart from building new ports, it is also modernizing old ports of the country with a major infrastructural overhaul. According to details shared by the government, as many as 802 projects worth Rs 5.53 lakh crore are part of the Sagarmala programme. So far, a total of 172 projects have been completed already and 235 projects are underway. A new port is being constructed, worth Rs 6,554 crore. With the Sagarmala programme, the digitization of various systems under one common platform has increased efficiency and output as well. Some of the major initiatives and benefits under digitization include the introduction of smart ports in India, transparency and clarity of work, streamlined communication by a web-based system and a paperless regime.

According to the government, communication systems are being strengthened by various initiatives and benefits such as the introduction of the Port Community System, one digital platform for all interactions, reduction of transaction time and costs, uninterrupted communication, no more wasteful duplication of documents, biometric systems making data easy to access.
Since the year 2014, cargo handling has increased by 42 per cent with the Sagarmala programme. Besides, efficiency efforts led to a gain of over 80 Million Metric Tonnes per Annum Capacity. Also, port connectivity has been enhanced. With the Sagarmala programme, the Modi government estimates that there will be around Rs 40,000 crore savings annually. There will be GDP growth by 2 per cent. The infrastructure revolution will create employment opportunities for more than 1 crore people, the government said. Reference
175 countries move to end illicit activities in Gulf of Guinea
30 Dec 2021
The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Assembly has charged the Governments of its 175 member states to assist in the prevention of piracy and armed robbery against ships as well as other illicit activities in the Gulf of Guinea.

The charge was made as part of the series of resolutions adopted by the IMO Assembly at the concluded 32nd session held in London following concerns on the incessant attacks and illicit activities in the GoG.
Part of the resolution includes a comprehensive action to address seafarers’ challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic, consolidating issues related to crew change, access to medical care, key worker designation and seafarers’ prioritisation for COVID-19 vaccination.
According to the IMO Assembly, there are serious concerns on the safety and security of the maritime industry and the seafaring community as a result of the attacks against ships sailing in the Gulf of Guinea and the grave danger to life.
The IMO Assembly also stated that it is also concerned about the serious risks to navigational safety and the environment that attacks by pirates, armed robbers and other criminals may cause.
The assembly urged governments that have not yet become parties to the 2012 Cape Town Agreement on fishing vessel safety to consider doing so by October 11, 2022, the tenth anniversary of the Agreement’s adoption.
While acknowledging the efforts made by countries in the region as well as other entities, the assembly urged governments to cooperate with and assist States in the Gulf of Guinea to develop their national and regional capabilities to improve maritime governance in waters under their jurisdiction.
The assembly also urged governments to prevent piracy, armed robbery against ships and other illicit maritime activities following international law, in particular, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).
The assembly further urged governments to assist States to build capacity to interdict and bring to justice those who commit crimes.
Such assistance, the assembly stated, include strengthening of the legal frameworks, including anti-piracy laws and enforcement regulations, training of national maritime law enforcement agencies, promoting anti-piracy and law enforcement coordination and cooperation procedures between and among States, regions, organisations and industry; and the sharing of information. Reference
Exodus of Seafarers Could Add to Supply Chain Disruption in 2022
30 Dec 2021
It has been a year of new records for the shipping industry. Carriers’ profitability during this year was so phenomenal that it favorably compared to that of the four most prominent American tech monopolies, collectively known as FANG (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google)
However, the people behind this tremendous success have been left vulnerable – and sometimes forsaken – by the same industry they power.

Seafarers have faced endless challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic and its many variants. Arbitrary government protocols aimed at reducing the spread of the virus have resulted in complicating seafarers’ repatriation.
Out of the 1.5 million seafarers serving at sea, barely a quarter are vaccinated, according to estimates by trade bodies. This means that most seafarers face procedural obstacles to crew change in many localities, as governments change immigration policies or close borders due to the omicron surge.
As an example, port facilities in Singapore and China now demand that seafarers have to wait for 10 days before disembarking to avoid importing the virus. They must also show proof of vaccination or are blocked at the border points.
As of September, only 60 out of 174 IMO member states had recognized seafarers as essential workers. Even for the states that have granted this recognition, there is still variation in the way that local officials interpret the directive. Many airports, ports and borders points are still not able to assign priority to sailors, and sailors have not been provided with proper priority documentation to facilitate their travel.
The endless challenges facing seafarers in the pandemic era translate into low morale – and signs that many experienced mariners are thinking of quitting the industry altogether.
The Seafarers Happiness Index report for Q3 – released this December by The Mission to Seafarers – includes somber narrations by crew wanting to abandon their careers in sailing.
“It is said that pain is a great teacher – and sadly, it seems to be teaching seafarers that perhaps a career at sea is not for them. We heard from a growing number of respondents who stated that they will be completing their trip and not coming back, or who are throwing themselves into finding a new job,” noted the report.
This is a warning bell for future hiring prospects of seafarers. According to Bloomberg, Western Shipping Pte Ltd., a Singapore-based tanker operator, said about 20 percent of its nearly 1000 mariners don’t want to get back onto ships. Anglo-Eastern Univan Group has also reported that five percent of its 30,000 mariners have as of last month indicated they aren’t interested in a new contract.
A majority of seafarers abandoning their careers are senior crewmembers, with vast experience and tenure in sailing. This may affect skills transfer to junior officers if business continues as usual. BIMCO, ICS and Drewry report that 2026 might be the tipping point of a coming seafarer shortage, as 90,000 more officers will be required to operate merchant vessels.
2022 could as well shape up as another year of supply chain disruption, especially if governments fail to prioritize safe transit of seafarers. Reference
Dubai Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation adopts 4.5-day working week
29 Dec 2021
The Ports, Customs and Free Zone Corporation (PCFC) has announced that starting from 1st January, 2022, there will be a change in the official working system at its offices and customer happiness centres.

The new working days will be from Monday to Friday, with the extension of the weekly holiday to be on Saturday, Sunday and half-a-day of Friday, in line with the Dubai Government’s resolution, which is in accordance with the new system of the Federal Government.
The corporation circulated the new announcement about changing its working hours at the level of employees and customers, in line with the direction of the Emirate of Dubai, which aligns with the vision of the UAE and aims to enhance its competitive position globally, especially in the economic and business sectors.
As of 1st January, the corporation will reduce the weekly working days from five days to four and a half days, from 7:30 until 15:30, except for Friday, which will be a half-working-day from 7:30 until 12:00.
The Corporation will implement these timings in its offices and customer happiness centers in its departments and its affiliated authorities, represented by the Department of Planning and Development – Trakhees, the Dubai Maritime City Authority, the Dubai Ports Authority, the Marine Agency for Wooden Ships, and the Security and Investment Departments. Reference
Cruise ships denied docking over COVID cases
29 Dec 2021
Authorities in the western Mexican state of Jalisco on Monday refused to allow a cruise ship to disembark in Puerto Vallarta, one of the country’s most popular destinations, because of cases of COVID-19 on board.

According to local health authorities, 69 coronavirus infections have been confirmed among the crew.
Under protocol, tourists on board were asked to present a negative antigen test before being allowed to disembark, but the company that owns the ship decided that no one should disembark and abandoned the stop Monday night.
On December 23, another ship carrying 1,035 passengers and 874 crew members was banned from disembarking, according to the Jalisco government, after 21 cases of coronavirus were detected among the crew.
Between 28 and 30 December, three more cruise ships are expected to arrive in Puerto Vallarta, according to the Ministry of the Navy.
The incidents are not isolated. A South Florida-based cruise ship, Carnival Freedom was denied entry to Bonaire and Aruba — in the Caribbean — last week due to cases of COVID-19 on board and cut its cruise short.
According to the CDC, the main public health agency in the United States, more than 60 cruise ships are being investigated by US health authorities after cases of COVID-19 appeared on board. Reference
Philippines: ’Odette’ downs close to 300 ships in CV
29 Dec 2021
Some 271 ships in Central Visayas ran aground, 12 capsized while 12 sank during the onslaught of Typhoon Odette (Rai).
The latest numbers were provided by the Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) Cebu last Monday, Dec. 27.

Among the ill-fated ships was mv Ida, which capsized in the waters near the port of Barangay Tayud, Consolacion in northern Cebu where the tugboat had taken shelter from Typhoon Odette on the night of Dec. 16, 2021. Six crew members were reported missing.
As of Monday, the number of crew members recovered had risen to three, however.
The recovered crew members of mv Ida were Capt. Luisito Roble, chief engineer Arthur Saavedra and crew member Roniel Fernandez, said Capt. Alvin Dagalea, commander of the PCG Cebu.
Another ill-fated ship was mv Tug Strong Trinity. Both the tugboat and its 11 crew members have been missing since Dec. 17, a day after Typhhon Odette slammed into Cebu.
In a statement Tuesday, Key West Shipping Line Corp. said neither aerial nor dive search and rescue operations had located either the boat or the crew so far.
“Key West Shipping Line Corp. has deployed aerial asset Cessna 182 with registration number RP-C8123 to conduct an aerial search at the coast of Naga, San Fernando, Carcar, all the way to the adjacent part of Bohol Island. Aerial assets departed the Mactan-Cebu International Airport at 11:45 a.m. on Dec. 23, 2021,” the company said.
Key West said the aerial search found an oil spill near the vessel’s last location and that the total search and rescue flight mission had lasted two hours.
On Dec. 27, the Philippine Coast Guard, divers and relatives aboard mv Tug Strong Desire also began their search in the Naga sea area, with divers going 55 feet deep, still to no avail, the company said.
Family members of the missing crew were asked to coordinate with McZabnar Narvasa, human resources manager, or the company’s office at J.L. Briones St. at the North Reclamation Area in Barangay Carreta, Cebu City. Reference
World’s 1st zero-emission all-electric tanker launched in Japan
28 Dec 2021
Japanese shipping company Asahi Tanker has launched and named the first of its two next-generation all-electric tankers ordered in 2020.

The ceremony took place at Koa Sangyo shipyard in Marugame City, Kagawa, Japan, on 22 December 2021.
Named Asahi, the newbuild is scheduled to enter service in Tokyo Bay as a bunker vessel in March 2022.
It is powered by a massive lithium-ion battery supplied by Corvus Energy and developed by e5 Lab, a consortium set up by Japanese partners to build up infrastructure services in the marine shipping industry that focus on electrically powered vessels.
Specifically, the tanker achieves zero emissions of CO2, NOx, SOx, and particulates, reducing environmental impact. In addition, reduced noise and vibration will create a more comfortable work environment for the crew members and limit noise pollution in the bay and its surroundings.
Furthermore, the vessel will make its battery power available to emergency services in the case of a natural disaster in Tokyo. This idea was originally proposed by e5 Lab and Asahi Tanker. Reference
India: Nautical tourism is an option to consider
27 Dec 2021
In fact, the Government of India has asked Mormugao Port Trust (MPT) to work with the State government in Goa to promote coastal-nautical tourism under the Sagarmala scheme. These initiatives include a ropeway project, floating pontoons, etc. The government of India under the Sagarmala Project gave lots of financial support to the States in which Goa also is getting financial support for coastal, nautical tourism. The Union government is asking for plans from the Goa government.

Several seminars have been held in Goa on this issue, highlighting the State’s potential, especially after the mining closedown, dipping economy post COVID pandemic and rising fossil fuel prices. The State government has an opportunity and it can grab it with both hands by submitting a project report and its plans before the Union government and this needs to be done when the iron is hot.
Experts have also mentioned that while sailing down the west coast one cannot avoid Goa and hence, the State becomes a natural marine hub. Along with it Goa also happens to be an attractive tourist destination which includes tourists from European countries. Marine tourism is nothing but tourists coming in by boats. It brings in higher value tourists as has been proven in the world. The profile of marine tourists globally is of high-value. There are about 3,000 boats sailing between Europe and South East Asia. So if we even get five per cent of the traffic it would mean about 100-150 boats coming to Goa every year. That would really change our tourism profile for the better.
Nautical tourism has demonstrated that this could be seen as an additional revenue generation source, especially when the economy needs a boost. Representatives of Scandinavian countries have visited Goa in the recent past and have suggested Goa to develop its coastal infrastructure so that nautical tourism can flourish. What is required is visionary and forward moving approach by the State government, good investors and lastly proper development of infrastructure. Goa needs to act fast and show its interest before the Union government so that more funds can be obtained and more jobs can be created with this new segment of tourism. Reference
Live at Sea With These 5 New Residential Ships
Living at sea might have been an unattainable dream for many just some months ago. But with five new players entering the market, it may be high time for the nomads to start weighing their options.

Cruise Industry News has gathered everything we know about the residence-at-sea projects set to come to fruition soon.
MV Narrative: After first planning to purchase a second-hand cruise ship, Storylines decided to construct a purpose-built residential ship in the end. The new vessel – called the MV Narrative – was ordered in 2021 and is being built at the Brodosplit shipyard in Croatia.
Dark Island: The Dark Island is ready for production at the River Clyde in Scotland, aiming to start operations in 2025. The vessel will be run by the family-owned Clydebuilt and feature 101 residential suites.
Njord: The M/Y Njord – which was ordered in 2021 – is set to enter service in 2025. The 289-meter residential yacht will feature 117 residences once it’s constructed at its shipyard, Meyer Werft.
Blue World: Blue World Voyages is planning a hybrid ship concept, with owner residences and passengers. First announced in 2019, the brand was said to be eyeing a second-hand cruise ship to introduce its product.
Somnio: The Somnio was designed by Tillberg Design of Sweden as a luxury residential yacht. The project is overseen by Captain Erik Bredhe and features 39 onboard apartments with amenities.
The 39 apartments are already on sale, with the procurement happening strictly through a system of invitation or referral. Reference
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