Accelleron aids in lowering service expenses for Mercy Ships’ floating hospitals

Accelleron Helps Mercy Ships Reduce Floating Hospital Service Costs
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Accelleron, a company specializing in turbocharger services, has supported the overhaul of four turbochargers on the hospital ship MV Africa Mercy, operated by Mercy Ships. The donation, in the form of discounted labor, will help the ship in its mission to provide free medical care and education to vulnerable communities. The support from Accelleron will save costs for Mercy Ships, allowing them to continue providing vital healthcare and training to those in need.

The overhaul took place at the DORMAC shipyard in Durban, South Africa, and Accelleron engineers serviced the main engine turbochargers. By ensuring the turbochargers are in good working condition, Accelleron is directly contributing to the maintenance of Africa Mercy’s propulsion engines, enabling the ship to operate efficiently during its trips to field service destinations.

Ciaran Holden, Operations Manager at Mercy Ships, expressed gratitude for Accelleron’s support, stating that it will help the organization continue providing healthcare for years to come. Roland Schwarz, Accelleron Division President Service, emphasized the company’s commitment to making a positive contribution to society, stating that by extending the life of Africa Mercy, they can help Mercy Ships allocate more of their budget to saving lives and bringing hope to communities.

This partnership with Mercy Ships is part of Accelleron’s broader initiative to give back to the community. The company plans to contribute to around 15 community projects this year, with the goal of increasing that number to over 100 in the next two years.

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