Captain’s Error Leads to Tug Crashing into Bridge Fenders, NTSB Reports

Montlake/Sodo underway in July 2023. (Source: Olympic Tug & Barge Inc. via NTSB
On October 12, 2023, tragedy struck in Tacoma, Washington as a tractor-trailer captain misaligned his vessel, causing a tugboat to collide with the damaged Hylebos Bridge fender system. The NTSB investigation revealed the collision's high cost and emphasized the importance of proper navigation and coordination to prevent such incidents in the future.
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The National Transportation Safety Board revealed that a tragic incident occurred on October 12, 2023, in Tacoma, Washington. The captain of a tractor-trailer tractor failed to properly align his vessel while approaching the Hylebos Bridge, causing a tugboat to collide with the bridge’s already damaged fender system. This incident involved the ATB Montlake/Sodo and tugboat Olympic Scout, leading to costly damage to the bridge structure.

The NTSB investigation found that the captain’s attempt to align the ATB with the bridge was hindered by the tugboat’s resistance, resulting in the collision. The narrow channel between the fenders of the Hylebos Bridge left little room for maneuvering, making correction difficult. The investigators concluded that a slowdown or complete stop of the ATB’s forward motion could have prevented the collision, emphasizing the importance of proper navigation and coordination in such situations.

Despite the Hylebos Bridge itself remaining undamaged, the fender system required replacement, costing $2.43 million. Prior preventive inspections had identified deterioration in the fender piles, worsened by the recent collision. A marine surveying and consulting company highlighted the significant impact of the incident on the already weakened fender structure. Detailed findings from the NTSB report can be accessed for further insights and analysis.



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