Charting Seafarers’ Healthcare Needs: An In-Depth Study

The Seafarers International Research Centre and Cardiff University are studying healthcare for seafarers in the cruise and cargo industries. They aim to assess seafarers' health status and healthcare accessibility while onboard, providing recommendations for improved healthcare provision. The report will be available online until 2025, inviting participation from employed seafarers.
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The Seafarers International Research Centre and Cardiff University are collaborating on a study aimed at improving healthcare for seafarers in the cruise and cargo industries. The research will focus on assessing the health status of working seafarers and their access to healthcare while onboard ships. The findings of the study will lead to recommendations for enhancing healthcare services for seafarers in these sectors.

The online report resulting from the study will be available on the Seafarers International Research Centre’s website until the end of 2025. Seafarers who are regularly employed on cargo and/or cruise ships are encouraged to participate in the study to provide valuable insights that will help inform the recommendations for improving healthcare for seafarers in the industry. The study aims to support ports, employers, and governments in implementing measures to enhance healthcare services for seafarers.

The study conducted by the Seafarers International Research Centre and Cardiff University will play a crucial role in addressing the healthcare needs of seafarers in the cruise and cargo industries. By assessing the health status of working seafarers and their access to healthcare services while at sea, the research findings will inform recommendations for improving healthcare provision for seafarers in these sectors. Seafarers are encouraged to participate in the study to contribute their experiences and perspectives, ultimately leading to better healthcare support for those working in the maritime industry.

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