Coal Transporter Now Operating on LNG Fuel

Coal Transporter Now Operating on LNG Fuel
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Mitsui OSK Lines, Ltd. (MOL) and Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. (Kyuden) have announced the delivery and operation of a new environmentally friendly LNG-powered coal carrier named Reimei. The ship, which was put into operation on November 14, is operated by MOL to transport coal from overseas to Kyuden’s coal-fired thermal power plants. The use of LNG as its main fuel will result in significant reductions of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as sulfur and nitrogen oxides.

The Reimei, a large LNG-powered coal carrier, departed Imari Port for shore-to-ship bunkering at Tobata Port in Fukuoka Prefecture on November 15, where it received fuel directly from the shore-based LNG ship terminal. The ship, with a length of 234.92 meters and a width of 38.0 meters, has a deadweight tonnage of 95,792 MT and was built by Namura Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. It is registered in Liberia and represents a significant advancement in environmentally friendly shipping practices.

Compared to conventional marine fuel, LNG can reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 30%, sulfur oxides by about 100%, and nitrogen oxides by about 80%. The use of LNG as a main fuel in shipping operations marks an important step towards sustainable and eco-friendly practices in the maritime industry.

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