A groundbreaking discovery has been made off the northern coast of Israel, where the remains of a 3,300-year-old ship were unearthed by a natural gas drilling company. The Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) confirmed this remarkable find on Thursday, shedding new light on ancient navigation abilities and trade routes.
According to the IAA, the late Bronze Age vessel suggests that ancient seafarers had the capability to navigate without a line of sight to land, a task previously thought to be unlikely. The ship was discovered at a depth that has protected it from disturbances, allowing for the preservation of both the vessel and its cargo in remarkable condition.
Head of the IAA marine unit, Jacob Sharvit, emphasized the significance of this discovery, challenging previous beliefs that Bronze Age trade was limited to coastlines. The ship, believed to have relied on the sun and stars for navigation, was found 90 kilometers off Israel’s coast by Energean, an energy firm utilizing advanced robotic technology.
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