Europe aligns maritime accident regulations with IMO rules

The European Commission welcomed the parliament's decision to implement the Maritime Safety Package, aimed at reducing maritime accidents and pollution to zero. Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean emphasized the need to learn from accidents and prevent loss of life and environmental pollution. The package includes new regulations and training for investigators.
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The European Commission has welcomed the parliament’s decision to implement the Maritime Safety Package, aimed at reducing maritime accidents and pollution incidents to zero. Despite the EU’s low maritime accident rates, Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean emphasized the importance of learning from accidents and taking measures to prevent loss of life and environmental pollution. The new agreement will bring the most serious incidents involving fishing vessels under 15m in length into the regulatory remit, and provide training for investigators through the European Maritime Safety Agency.

The package includes clear requirements for flag state inspections, extension of port state control to cover new rules, and accident investigations by port state control on fishing vessels. It also aims to protect the oceans from pollution incidents and strengthen the legal framework for applying penalties. Additionally, the package updates the European Maritime Safety Agency’s mandate to better reflect its growing role in maritime transport areas, including safety, pollution prevention, environmental protection, climate action, security, surveillance, crisis management, and digitalization.

Overall, the Maritime Safety Package is focused on strengthening and modernizing safety regulations for the maritime sector in EU waters, with the goal of protecting life at sea and preventing pollution incidents.

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