Major Companies Join Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance to Reduce Shipping Emissions

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Amazon, IKEA, Patagonia, and 20 other companies have formed the Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (ZEMBA) and launched a request for proposals to buy zero-emissions maritime fuel in bulk. The aim is to power the transport of 600,000 twenty-foot containers across the oceans over three years. Global shipping accounts for 3% of climate emissions, and shipping emissions rose by 5% in 2022. ZEMBA’s guidelines for “zero emissions” fuel include a 90% emissions reduction, sustainability, renewable energy sources, and scalability. Bids featuring technologies such as green methanol, green hydrogen, and possibly ammonia are expected.

ZEMBA’s collaboration with the non-profit Cargo Owners for Zero Emissions Vessels (CoZeV) aims to send a demand signal to the industry as a whole. The companies involved are signaling their commitment to sustainable ocean shipping fuel and are excited about the potential for new technologies. However, challenges around efficiency and production capacity need to be addressed. By working together, these companies hope to bring more options to the table and spur the market for new technology. ZEMBA plans to select winning proposals in February and announce the winners in early April.

The commitment of major companies like Amazon, IKEA, and Patagonia to buy zero-emissions maritime fuel in bulk through the Zero Emission Maritime Buyers Alliance (ZEMBA) is a significant step towards reducing shipping emissions. With global shipping accounting for 3% of climate emissions and shipping emissions on the rise, the demand for sustainable fuels is becoming more urgent. ZEMBA’s guidelines for zero-emissions fuel set a high standard, requiring a 90% emissions reduction compared to a benchmark reference fuel, sustainability, renewable energy sources, and scalability. The collaboration with the non-profit Cargo Owners for Zero Emissions Vessels (CoZeV) adds weight to their demand signal to the industry.

The exciting aspect of this initiative is the exploration of new technologies for sustainable ocean shipping fuel. Companies involved in ZEMBA are eager to see what innovative solutions will emerge, with technologies such as green methanol, green hydrogen, and possibly ammonia being considered. The timeline for proposals going out to 2025 allows for the development and testing of these technologies. However, challenges related to efficiency and production capacity need to be addressed. By working together, these companies hope to overcome these challenges and bring more options to the table, ultimately driving the market for sustainable shipping fuel.

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