Houthi Missile Damages Bulker, Causing it to Sit Low in the Water but Remain Afloat

A bulker hit by a Houthi missile is still afloat and may be salvageable, based on industry reports and new photos. The crew was safely rescued, and a harbor tug has been dispatched to bring them ashore. The vessel is laden with potentially explosive cargo and a commercial salvor has been contracted for recovery.
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The bulker Rubymar, which was hit by a Houthi missile and damaged in the Strait of Bab el-Mandeb, is still afloat and may be salvageable, according to industry reports and new photos released by the BBC. The attack by Yemen’s Houthi rebels prompted the crew to abandon ship after the master reported a blast nearby and damage to the engine room. However, all crew members were safely rescued by another vessel, and no injuries were reported.

The vessel is currently laden with 22,000 tonnes of potentially explosive fertilizer, and new photos show that it is still afloat but heavily trimmed by the stern. The calm surface conditions in the strait may improve the vessel’s odds of survival and salvage, and a commercial salvor has been contracted to recover and tow the Rubymar safely back to Djibouti. However, there is no indication of when this work will begin, and the vessel is currently abandoned and at anchor just off Mayyun, a small island in the strait.

Despite evidence that the Rubymar is still afloat, there have been false claims on social media that the vessel has already sunk, with videos and photos of previous vessel sinkings being shared. These false claims could potentially confuse a non-maritime audience, and it is important to rely on accurate and verified information regarding the status of the Rubymar.

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