IMO and Korea to Enhance SMART-C Program Collaboration

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The International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the Republic of Korea have signed a series of agreements to establish and enhance the IMO-Republic of Korea Sustainable Maritime Transport Cooperation (SMART-C) program. The KRW 25.5 billion (approximately $20 million) program aims to promote sustainable maritime transport systems and a sustainable marine environment by building knowledge and technical capacity in developing countries through long-term thematic projects. The funding will support several technical cooperation projects, including the SMART-C Leaders project, SMART-C GHG project, SMART-C Women project, RegLitter project, and SMART-C Traffic project.

The SMART-C Leaders project will focus on capacity-building for the implementation of IMO conventions and professional training for international maritime leaders, while the SMART-C GHG project aims to build capacity in two Asian pilot countries for developing national action plans and implementing the IMO GHG Strategy. The SMART-C Women project will strengthen women’s competencies in the sustainable maritime transport sector, the RegLitter project will work to prevent and reduce marine plastic litter, and the SMART-C Traffic project will develop a SMART-Maritime traffic management system in the Philippines.

The IMO’s Department for Partnerships and Projects will coordinate the implementation of the projects in close cooperation with IMO’s Technical Cooperation Division, with support from the Marine Environment Division, Maritime Safety Division, and Legal Division. These agreements were signed during the 33rd Assembly of the IMO, demonstrating a commitment to sustainable maritime transport and environmental protection.

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