IMO MEPC 82 Advances Shipping Industry’s Path to Net-Zero Emissions

International Maritime Organization headquarters in London, England. Photo: /
The International Maritime Organization's MEPC is making strides in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the shipping industry. The focus on developing MARPOL Annex VI amendments using the "IMO Net Zero Framework" at the 82nd MEPC meeting is a step in the right direction. The ICS supports these efforts.
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The International Maritime Organization’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) is making significant progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the shipping industry. At the 82nd MEPC meeting held in London, a focus was placed on developing a working draft for MARPOL Annex VI amendments utilizing the “IMO Net Zero Framework”. This framework, initially designed for ships of 5000 GT, aims to quickly decrease greenhouse gas emissions in line with the IMO 2023 strategy.

The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) has welcomed the advancements made at the MEPC meeting. However, the ICS emphasized that further work is required before the approval of the “Net-Zero Framework” in April 2025. The ICS advocates for a universal greenhouse gas contribution system as the best approach for the shipping industry to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.

The proposed IMO net zero framework incorporates key components such as a universal greenhouse gas contribution system, measures to reduce cost gaps between traditional and greener fuels, a reward system for early technology adopters, and the establishment of an IMO Fund to support developing countries. The ICS noted broad agreement between IMO Member States and industry stakeholders and highlighted ongoing collaboration with proponents of greenhouse gas contribution measures.

The outcomes of MEPC 82 mark a crucial step towards a more sustainable maritime industry and global efforts to combat climate change. The upcoming MEPC 83 meeting in April 2025 will finalize and approve the regulatory text, setting the stage for further progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the shipping sector.



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