Indian Seafarers Facing Crisis of Abandonment: Report

A recent report shows Indians are the most abandoned seafarers for the second year in a row, with 411 already abandoned in less than six months. The International Transport Workers’ Federation is set to record a higher number of abandoned vessels this year compared to 2023. Maritime Coordinator Jacqueline Smith highlights the issue of wage theft and underpayment among seafarers.
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Indian seafarers are facing a crisis of abandonment, with a recent report showing that they are the most abandoned in the world for the second year in a row. The Times of India reported that at least 411 Indian seafarers have been abandoned on ships in less than six months, with a total of 116 vessels and 1,672 seafarers abandoned so far this year. This trend is on track to surpass the record high of abandoned vessels and seafarers from 2023.

Jacqueline Smith, Maritime Coordinator at the International Transport Workers’ Federation, expressed concern over the situation, stating that many seafarers are being abandoned, unpaid, and their rights abused with impunity. Smith highlighted the issue of wage theft and underpayment, noting that some seafarers are earning as little as $400 to $600 a month, well below the minimum wage of $1,700 for those covered by collective agreements. Despite such low pay, companies often delay or withhold salaries, further exacerbating the challenges faced by seafarers.

The International Transport Workers’ Federation is working to address these issues and protect the rights of seafarers through collective bargaining and strengthening regulations. Smith emphasized the importance of ensuring fair wages and working conditions for seafarers, who play a crucial role in the global shipping industry. The report sheds light on the plight of Indian seafarers and the need for action to prevent further abandonment and exploitation in the maritime sector.

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