Liberian Registry creates Yoram Cohen Scholarship at WMU

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The Liberian International Ship and Corporate Registry (LISCR) has established a scholarship in memory of Yoram Cohen, the founder of the Liberian Registry, to support research in maritime and ocean-related studies. The scholarship will focus on areas such as decarbonisation of international shipping, innovation, and seafarer safety and well-being. Thomas Klenum, Executive VP of Innovation & Regulatory Affairs at LISCR, stated that the scholarship aims to recognize the achievements of the World Maritime University (WMU) and advance mutual interests in maritime education, research, and seafaring affairs. The goal is to support advanced graduate research that promotes innovation and sustainable practices for the maritime industry. Professor Maximo Q. Mejia, Jr., President of WMU, expressed delight in collaborating with the Liberian Registry and establishing “The Yoram Cohen Memorial Scholarship.” He emphasized the joint commitment to furthering maritime education and research for a safe, secure, efficient, and sustainable maritime and oceans future.

The scholarship will be funded by the Liberian Registry and will include research projects, as well as a resident research fellow at WMU. This initiative aims to build upon the work of the WMU and honor Yoram Cohen’s contributions to the maritime industry and responsible environmental stewardship. The partnership between LISCR and WMU reflects a shared dedication to advancing maritime education and research.

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