German rescue ship threatened by Libyan coast guard while rescuing migrants

The crew of the German rescue ship Humanity 1 faced threats from the Libyan coast guard while rescuing 77 migrants. Shots were fired, causing panic and resulting in at least one death. SOS Humanity condemned the actions, stating that the EU-funded Libyan coast guard endangered lives and violated international law.
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The crew of the German rescue ship Humanity 1 reported being threatened by the crew of a Libyan coast guard vessel while attempting to rescue 77 migrants from small boats in the central Mediterranean. The crew claims that at least one person drowned and many others were forced back to Libya. The crew of the Humanity 1, operated by SOS Humanity, stated that the Libyan coast guard vessel not only obstructed their rescue efforts but also fired a shot into the sea, causing panic among the migrants.

SOS Humanity released a press statement detailing the incident, including photos of migrants in the water between their boat and the rescue ship. The organization criticized the actions of the Libyan coast guard, stating that the support from the EU and Italy resulted in endangering lives and violating international law. Laura Gorriahn, chairperson of the SOS Humanity board, who was on board the Humanity 1 during the incident, expressed shock at witnessing the breaches of international law firsthand.

The Italian authorities initially directed the Humanity 1 to sail to the port of Bari for disembarkation of the rescued migrants. However, due to a storm, the ship was allowed to divert to the closer port of Crotone. This incident marks the 11th rescue mission for the Humanity 1, with previous missions involving rescuing survivors and minors. The crew also reported witnessing an “illegal interception” by the Libyan coast guard during a previous mission in early February.

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