LR and strategic partner to provide leading training solutions for methanol as a marine fuel

On January 30, 2024, Lloyd’s Register (LR) and Green Marine have partnered to offer solutions for vessels using methanol as fuel, with a focus on training. The collaboration aims to provide value-adding services for maritime stakeholders in building, retrofitting, and operating methanol-powered vessels.
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Lloyd’s Register (LR) and Green Marine, a Danish consulting service provider specializing in methanol as marine fuel, have partnered to provide solutions to maritime stakeholders looking to build, retrofit, and operate vessels with methanol-as-fuel technology. Their main focus is on providing training in this area.

This collaboration aims to offer value-adding solutions to the maritime industry, particularly in the use of methanol as a marine fuel. By combining LR’s expertise in maritime classification and certification with Green Marine’s knowledge of methanol technology, the partnership seeks to support stakeholders in adopting this alternative fuel option for their vessels. The emphasis on training indicates a commitment to ensuring that industry professionals are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively utilize methanol as a marine fuel.

The partnership between LR and Green Marine reflects a concerted effort to promote the use of methanol as a marine fuel and provide comprehensive support to maritime stakeholders. By leveraging their respective areas of expertise, the two organizations aim to facilitate the adoption of methanol technology in vessel construction, retrofitting, and operation, ultimately contributing to the industry’s transition towards more sustainable fuel options.

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