Maersk to Implement Surcharge for Israeli Shipments to Cover Insurance Costs

Maersk is introducing a surcharge on Israeli shipments to cover insurance
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Maersk, a Danish shipping company, has announced that insurance premiums for ships traveling to Israel will continue to rise until 2024. This has prompted the company to implement an Emergency Risk Surcharge (ERS) to cover the additional insurance costs. The surcharge is intended to ensure continuous and sustainable service for their customers in Israel. Starting January 8, customers shipping 20-foot containers will be charged a $50 surcharge, while those shipping 40 and 45-foot containers will be charged $100.

The company stated that the surcharge is necessary to cover the increased insurance costs and to maintain their level of service to Israel. While the additional costs may impact customers, Maersk is hopeful that the ERS will help to ensure the sustainability of their operations in the region. This announcement comes as a response to the rising insurance premiums for ships traveling to Israel, and the company is taking proactive measures to address the financial impact of this trend on their operations.

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