Methanol’s Super Fuel Storage Solution Gains Popularity

Methanol emerged as the top choice for decarbonization in shipping in 2023, with a 'Methanol Superstorage' solution making it viable for both retrofits and newbuilds. The shift towards methanol offers a practical and economically viable route to lower carbon emissions, paving the way for a greener future in the industry.
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Methanol has become the preferred decarbonization route for new ships ordered in 2023, surpassing other fuel types. Methanol-capable vessels are leading in dual fuel orders, with 152 ships ordered in the container market alone. The practical benefits of methanol, such as lower carbon emissions and availability, make it an attractive option for shipowners looking to decarbonize.

However, using methanol for fuel requires more storage space compared to traditional bunkering patterns, impacting the carrying capacity of vessels. To address this issue, SRC Group introduced the ‘Methanol Superstorage’ solution, which increases fuel tank volume by over 85% without significantly impacting the ship’s general arrangement. This innovation has received Approval in Principle from Lloyd’s Register and simplifies the safe onboard storage of methanol.

As the shipping industry works towards meeting decarbonization targets, retrofitting existing vessels with alternative fuels like methanol is crucial. Nearly 300 vessels were booked for alternative fuel retrofitting in 2023, highlighting the industry’s commitment to lowering emissions and complying with regulations. Methanol offers a realistic pathway to net zero carbon, and innovations like ‘Methanol Superstorage’ make it easier for shipowners to adopt this fuel and reduce their environmental impact.

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