New proactive healthcare program for seafarers launched by VIKAND

VIKAND has launched a proactive 24/7 healthcare program to help safeguard seafarers and protect the commercial viability of the shipping industry. Launched at the US Embassy in London, the program aims to improve the approach to seafarer well-being and reduce healthcare costs in the long term.
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VIKAND has introduced a proactive 24/7 healthcare program aimed at protecting the health of seafarers and ensuring the commercial viability of the shipping industry. Launched at the US Embassy in London, the program is designed to keep the current seafarer workforce healthy and prevent the loss of experienced crew. With the International Chamber of Shipping predicting a global shortfall of 90,000 trained officers by 2026, VIKAND emphasizes the need for a more proactive approach to seafarer well-being in order to attract and retain talent in the industry.

The company believes that the health and well-being of seafarers should be managed and maintained in the same way that a vessel’s machinery is regularly maintained to avoid costly breakdowns. By offering tools and insights for a more proactive approach to seafarer well-being, VIKAND aims to lower long-term healthcare costs, improve commercial viability, and enhance the sustainability of the global labor force in the shipping industry. The company’s OneHealth program promises to optimize crew wellness with anytime, anywhere healthcare support, utilizing digital and medical technology to reduce the risks and costs associated with seafarer health issues.

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