Colombo Dockyard Completes Repairs on Singapore-Flagged Container Ship Lobivia

The shipyard in Colombo is completing damage repairs to the container ship Lobivia
The Colombo Dockyard successfully repaired the Singapore-flagged container ship Lobivia, damaged in the Gulf of Aden, without needing a dry dock. Extensive repairs included hatch covers, accommodation areas, boom on cargo crane, cabin doors, electrical wiring, cargo holds, fuel tanks, pipelines, and railings. The completion ensures the ship's integrity and compliance with maritime safety standards.
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The Colombo Dockyard recently completed repairs on the Singapore-flagged container ship Lobivia, which was damaged while passing through the Gulf of Aden. A specialist team was dispatched to inspect the ship and identify the necessary repairs, determining that the work could be done without the need for a dry dock, saving valuable time. The scope of work included repairing damaged hatch covers and accommodation areas, with new ceiling and wall panels, new furniture, and fresh paint applied.

Aside from the hatch cover and accommodation repairs, the shipyard also conducted extensive work on various other areas of the vessel. This included replacing the damaged boom on the cargo crane, fixing cabin doors, restoring electrical wiring, and repairing damage to cargo holds and fuel tanks through structural repairs. The shipyard also focused on repairing pipelines and railings to ensure the ship’s operational safety and compliance with international maritime standards.

The completion of the repairs on the Lobivia container ship by the Colombo Dockyard signifies a successful restoration of the vessel’s integrity and functionality. These repairs not only restored the ship’s damaged areas but also ensured that it met international maritime safety standards. This successful repair operation highlights the expertise and efficiency of the Colombo Dockyard in handling complex repair projects on vessels of various sizes.



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