Container Feeder Sinks After Collision with Tanker Near Kupang, Timor

A small container feeder, the Kuala Mas, collided with a product tanker, the Maritim Khatulistiwa, off Kupang, Timor. The Kuala Mas sank due to hull damage, possibly caused by drifting with the current. The crew was safely evacuated, and efforts are being made to prevent pollution from the wreck.
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A small container feeder, the Kuala Mas, collided with a product tanker, the Maritim Khatulistiwa, at an anchorage off Kupang, Timor, on Sunday morning. The collision resulted in hull damage, causing the Kuala Mas to sink. Early reports indicate that the Kuala Mas may have drifted with the current before hitting the tanker. The crew of the Kuala Mas reported taking on water through a penetration in the starboard side, leading the master to ground the vessel near the Bolok Kupang pier to prevent it from sinking. Efforts to save the ship continued for another hour and a half before the crew requested evacuation.

The master of the Kuala Mas called for evacuation at 0802, prompting a nearby harbor tug to rescue the 20 crew members within minutes. Fortunately, no injuries were reported during the incident. The Kuala Mas eventually capsized at 0834 and sank, leaving only a small portion of the hull above the surface. Some of the vessel’s containerized cargo floated free and went adrift. Precautionary measures are being taken by the local KSOP station to prevent pollution from the wreck, including deploying oil booms around the site. An investigation has been initiated to determine the cause of the collision.

Meanwhile, the Maritim Khatulistiwa remains anchored just off Kupang as authorities work to assess the situation and prevent any further environmental impact from the incident. The photos of the wreck show the extent of the damage and the challenges faced in salvaging the vessel. The Indonesian Ministry of Transportation is overseeing the response efforts and coordinating with relevant agencies to address the aftermath of the collision.



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