Nigerian Ports Operators to Support Mission to Seafarers Initiative

STOAN has pledged support for the Mission to Seafarers (MTS) at Nigerian seaports. Chairman Princess Vicky Haastrup expressed the importance of assisting seafarers facing challenges at sea. Terminal operators like ENL Consortium have shown ongoing support for MTS, recognizing their vital role in addressing seafarers' needs. MTS, founded in 1856, offers welfare services to merchant crews worldwide with the help of government agencies and terminal operators.
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STOAN has announced that all terminal operators at Nigerian seaports will be mobilized to assist the Mission to Seafarers (MTS). The Chairman of STOAN, Princess Vicky Haastrup, assured the MTS delegation of support during their visit to Lagos. She emphasized the importance of seafarers’ work and the dedication of terminal operators to support MTS in their mission to help seafarers facing challenges at sea.

Haastrup commended MTS for addressing issues such as fatigue, communication, mental health, and piracy attacks experienced by seafarers. The Executive Director of ENL Consortium, Mark Walsh, highlighted his company’s past support for MTS in their operations at the port. Other terminal operators present at the meeting also expressed their admiration for MTS’s service and pledged ongoing support.

The Regional Director of MTS African Region, Revd Cedric Rautenbach, discussed the purpose of the visit, emphasizing the importance of terminal operators in assisting the charity organization. MTS, established in the UK in 1856, provides welfare and support to merchant crews worldwide, including emotional, spiritual, and emergency services. The organization works closely with government agencies and terminal operators to meet the needs of seafarers visiting Nigerian ports.

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