NTSB commends crew’s swift response in containing fire damage on tugboat

NTSB Praises Crew’s Quick Action to Limit Fire Damage to Louisiana Towing Vessel
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) reported that a burst hydraulic hose sprayed fuel onto a hot engine, causing a fire on the tugboat Desperado in Louisiana. The crew's quick action limited damage, with no pollution or injuries. NTSB emphasized following manufacturer specifications to prevent accidents.
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The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) determined that a burst hydraulic hose spraying fuel onto a hot engine caused a fire on a tugboat in Lake Salvador, Louisiana. The fire broke out in the engine room of the Desperado while passing near Bayou Perot on February 17, 2023. The three crew members, including the captain and two deckhands, were unable to extinguish the fire with portable fire extinguishers and had to evacuate to a nearby vessel. Fortunately, the fire was already out by the time a fireboat arrived.

The captain, who was also the owner of the vessel, had 30 years of seafaring experience and had been captain of 21 inland tugs similar to the Desperado since 2010. The two deckhands had about three months of seafaring experience each and had been working with the captain since the vessel was commissioned. NTSB investigators commended the crew’s quick action in removing fuel and oxygen sources, which limited the fire damage to an estimated $30,000 with no pollution or injuries.

The NTSB report highlighted problems with the installation of the hydraulic hose, such as exceeding the bend radius and missing proper clamps, connectors, or protective covers. The report emphasized the importance of following manufacturer’s specifications for hydraulic hose installation to prevent damage or failure. Measures to prevent hose damage include clamping for support, rerouting hose assemblies with fittings, and using hoses with more reinforcement.

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