Shortage of Skilled Workers in Canadian Marine Industry: Efforts to Address the Growing Demand

The marine industry faces a workforce shortage despite the booming Canadian shipbuilding sector. Skilled workers are being trained, but the demand continues to grow. NTV's Jodi Cooke investigates the need for more workers to meet the increasing demand.
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The Canadian marine industry is facing a shortage of skilled workers, despite a surge in shipbuilding contracts across the country. In response to this, the marine industry in a specific province is focusing on training more skilled workers to meet the growing demand. However, there is still a need for more workers to fill the gaps in the workforce.

The shortage of skilled workers in the marine industry is a concern, especially as shipbuilding contracts in Canada are on the rise. The industry in a specific province is taking steps to train more workers, but it is still not enough to meet the demand. This shortage highlights the need for more skilled workers to enter the marine industry and fill the gaps in the workforce.

NTV’s Jodi Cooke has reported on the efforts being made in a specific province to address the shortage of skilled workers in the marine industry. The industry is training workers, but there is still a need for more to meet the growing demand for skilled workers in shipbuilding and other areas of the marine industry.

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