NYK sponsors research on endangered sea turtles

NYK sponsors research on endangered sea turtles
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NYK has sponsored the Kishu Minabe Sea Turtle Research Project conducted by NPO Earthwatch Japan* for the seventh consecutive year.

In Minabe-cho in Wakayama Prefecture, most loggerhead turtles** lay their eggs on the main island of Japan. This research project began in 2016 to study sea turtle behavior patterns and protect the turtles from danger by mapping the sea turtles as they migrate through the vast ocean.

This year, NYK Group employees volunteered in Minabe-cho for the first time in two years, helping to identify loggerhead turtles that had come ashore to lay eggs and measuring the length and width of the turtles’ shells .

The locations of two loggerhead turtles named “Umi-chan #4,” a returning turtle, and “Hana-chan #4,” a new turtle, are revealed, along with commentary by Dr. Yoshimasa Matsuzawa, the project’s lead researcher.

After spawning, “Hana-chan No. 4” on a west-southwest-bound straight path towards Cape Muroto, and then circumnavigated the Pacific Ocean on the southeast side of western Japan in a semi-clockwise direction until the transmission cut off 10 kilometers (6.2 mi) offshore south of Tanegashima. On the other hand, “Umi-chan No. 4” typically stayed somewhat near the coast. NYK Group will continue to be actively involved in environmental protection, including activities to protect the marine environment and biodiversity.

Commentary by the project’s lead researcher, Yoshimasa Matsuzawa

Currently, the number of egg-laying loggerhead turtles in Japan has declined significantly. In Senrihama, Minabe-cho, spawning went from 350 confirmed in 1990 to 31 in 2021. There was a slight recovery in 2022, but only 49. On the other hand, the return rate of the spawning turtles is also poor. Even after accounting for the dropping of markers, about 70% of the turtles in Minabe-cho will never return. Since females reside on certain beaches, this means a high post-spawning mortality rate. In order to improve the response rate, it is important to clarify where and what dangers loggerhead turtles are exposed to after laying their eggs. With that in mind, the collection of data through continued satellite tracking through this project is expected to play a crucial role in the conservation of this species in the future.

Earthwatch Japan
Earthwatch, a non-profit organization founded in Boston in 1971, is an international non-governmental organization. It offers researchers both human and financial support for field research and surveys abroad. Volunteers deployed around the world by Earthwatch have taken active roles at state-of-the-art scientific sites and received instruction from world-class scientists. Earthwatch Institute – Japan was established in 1993 to promote Earthwatch activities in Japan.

Source: News Network

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