Seaspan Corporation Partners with MAN Energy Solutions to Retrofit Vessels with Methanol Engines

Seaspan Inks Deal With MAN For Methanol Engine
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Seaspan Corporation, the world’s largest containership lessor, has partnered with MAN Energy Solutions to refit 15 of its vessels with dual-fuel engines capable of running on cleaner burning methanol. The agreement, signed in collaboration with liner shipping company Hapag-Lloyd, will see MAN’s after-sales division, MAN PrimeServ, deliver 15 engine retrofit solutions. These solutions will convert vessels powered by individual MAN B&W S90-type fuel-oil-powered engines from the Seaspan and Hapag-Lloyd fleets to dual-fuel ME-LGIM engines that can run on green methanol. The agreement also includes an option for 45 additional engine retrofit solutions. Each conversion is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 50,000 to 70,000 tonnes annually when operating on green methanol.

The conversion commitment agreement was signed by representatives from Seaspan, Hapag-Lloyd, and MAN Energy Solutions. Bing Chen, President and CEO of Seaspan, and Torsten Pedersen, COO of Seaspan, signed the agreement on behalf of Seaspan. Thomas Leander, Head of Solutions and Site Manager at MAN PrimeServ Denmark, Jens Seeberg, Head of Retrofits & Upgrades at MAN PrimeServ Denmark, and Brian Østergaard Sørensen, VP and Head of R&D of Two-Stroke Business at MAN Energy Solutions signed on behalf of MAN Energy Solutions. The development of this solution opportunity was led by key stakeholders from MAN Energy Solutions, Seaspan, and Hapag-Lloyd.

According to Thomas Leander, the agreement demonstrates the commitment of Seaspan and Hapag-Lloyd to decarbonize the maritime industry. Retrofitting existing engines to dual-fuel running is an effective strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve efficiency, and extend the operational lifetimes of shipping fleets. This approach also eliminates the need to build additional tonnage, which would contribute to additional CO2 emissions. MAN Energy Solutions has developed the ME-LGIM dual-fuel engine, based on its ME-series, specifically for operation on methanol. This engine offers carbon-neutral propulsion for large merchant-marine vessels and has already been ordered or is in service for over 100 vessels.

In conclusion, Seaspan Corporation and Hapag-Lloyd have committed to retrofit 15 vessels with dual-fuel engines capable of running on green methanol, as part of their efforts to reduce CO2 emissions and promote decarbonization in the maritime industry. This agreement, in collaboration with MAN Energy Solutions, will contribute to achieving their fleet-decarbonization commitments and strategies while enhancing fuel flexibility and extending operational lifetimes. Retrofitting existing engines is seen as an important and feasible path to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve efficiency in the shipping industry.

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