MEGURI2040, a project led by the Nippon Foundation, is entering its second phase with the goal of creating a fully autonomous ship by 2025. Furuno, a key player in the project, is committed to providing the necessary technologies and sensors. The project will focus on conducting demonstration tests using four different types of vessels, standardizing the technologies for future commercialization, strengthening the development process, and preparing society for this transformation. Furuno has already contributed numerous technologies and sensors to the project.
MEGURI2040 aims to implement all autonomous navigation technologies developed during phase one by 2025. Furuno’s involvement in the project is crucial, as they will provide the required technologies and sensors. The project will be carried out through four key areas: conducting demonstration tests using various vessels, standardizing the technologies for future commercialization, strengthening the development process, and preparing society for this significant transformation. Furuno has already made significant contributions to the project by providing a multitude of technologies and sensors.
As the project enters its second phase, the focus will be on achieving the main goal of creating a fully autonomous ship by 2025. Furuno’s role in providing the necessary technologies and sensors is vital. The project will involve conducting demonstration tests using different types of vessels, standardizing the technologies, improving simulation tools and risk assessment calculation methods, and promoting the industry. Furuno’s contributions have already been substantial, and more information can be found on their website.
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