Addressing Mental Health Challenges for Indian Seafarers Amid Social Media Impact

Having access to connectivity at sea is crucial for seafarer wellbeing, but there are concerns about the negative impact of social media on mental health. MHSS observes how excessive social media creates a false sense of connection, leading to increased social distance and declining mental health among Indian seafarers. Addressing this digital disconnect is essential to support seafarers' mental health.
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Having access to connectivity at sea is crucial for seafarer wellbeing, but there are growing concerns about the negative impact of social media on mental health. Mental Health Support Solutions (MHSS) has observed how excessive social media use creates a false sense of connection on board, leading to increased social distance and declining mental health, particularly among Indian seafarers. This digital disconnect exacerbates feelings of isolation and must be addressed promptly to support seafarers of all ages.

Indian seafarers, both young and old, are affected by the misleading online portrayals of life at sea, which often depict an unrealistic balance between work and leisure activities. Many seafarers experience a sense of disillusionment and disappointment upon realizing the stark contrast between these idealized representations and the realities of life on board. MHSS consultant Shreya Menon emphasizes the importance of regulating and removing harmful content that perpetuates mental health issues, urging authorities to take action to protect seafarers’ wellbeing.

MHSS calls upon regulatory bodies to enforce measures that address the specific needs of seafarers and safeguard their mental health. CEO Charles Watkins stresses the importance of educating seafarers about the true challenges of life at sea to counteract the spread of misinformation. By monitoring and removing harmful content and offering support to address mental health concerns, authorities can ensure that Indian seafarers are not misled and have a better understanding of their experiences on board.



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