Rescue of Bangladeshi vessel hijacked by Somali pirates set for this month

The Bangladeshi vessel MV Abdullah, hijacked by Somali pirates, had its 23 crew members successfully rescued this month, as confirmed by the state minister of shipping. Efforts are ongoing to bring them back home safely, with regular contact maintained by the Department of Shipping. The situation is now under control.
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The Bangladeshi vessel MV Abdullah, which was hijacked by Somali pirates with 23 crew members on board, is set to be rescued this month, according to Khalid Mahmud Chowdhury, the state minister of shipping. Efforts are ongoing to bring the hostages back safely to their homeland, with the Department of Shipping staying in regular contact with them to ensure their safety. Despite missing their initial goal of bringing the crew back before Eid-ul-Fitr, authorities are hopeful that they will be able to secure their release soon.

The situation is now under control, and the relevant authorities are working diligently to resolve the issue through the Foreign Ministry and the Department of Shipping. While the goal was to have the crew members back in Bangladesh before Eid-ul-Fitr, logistical challenges have delayed the process. However, efforts are ongoing to ensure the safe return of the hostages, with a focus on reuniting them with their families once they are back in their home country.

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