Boomsma Shipping and Leonhardt & Blumberg Collaborate for Potential Eight Newbuilds in India

Boomsma Shipping and Leonhardt & Blumberg link up for up to eight newbuilds in India
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Boomsma Shipping, a Dutch owner, and Leonhardt & Blumberg Shipmanagement from Germany have joined forces to order up to eight low-emission shortsea dry cargo vessels. The vessels will be built by Chowgule Shipbuilding in India and are expected to be delivered from autumn 2025 onwards. Chowgule will construct the vessels at its new shipyard in Mangalore, which is set to start production in spring 2024.

The partnership between Boomsma Shipping and Leonhardt & Blumberg will enable the Hamburg-based ship management company to diversify into the shortsea dry cargo sector. The vessels, which have a capacity of 8,500 dwt, have been developed in collaboration with Dutch designer Conoship. They will feature optimised diesel-electric propulsion and will be prepared for future fuels, wind-assisted propulsion, and carbon capture. The vessels are expected to require 50%–60% less propulsion energy compared to existing tonnage.

Once in service, the vessels will be commercially operated in a pool by NewTide Chartering in Rotterdam, which is part of the Boomsma group. The aim of the project is to invest in cutting-edge vessel types that are more energy-efficient and have reduced emissions. The vessels will be at the forefront of innovation in the shortsea shipping space, aiming for emission-free operation on batteries and significantly lower CO2 emissions.

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