ClassNK Releases “Electronic Logbook Guidelines”

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ClassNK, a ship classification society, has released “Electronic Logbook Guidelines” for the approval of electronic logbooks on ships. The guidelines aim to expand the safe and efficient use of electronic logs for all purposes on ships, and specify technical and operational requirements for approval. The use of electronic logbooks for decks and areas outside of MARPOL requirements requires individual approval from governments of the flag states, and ClassNK’s guidelines are expected to assist shipping companies in their choice of electronic logbooks and smooth approval.

The adoption of electronic logbooks is expected to become more widespread as the workload in recording tasks is reduced, accuracy is improved, and the system moves towards paperless operations. Until now, electronic media specifications were only defined for logbooks required by MARPOL, but with ClassNK’s guidelines, unified requirements for electronic logbooks in other areas, such as the deck, are now defined. ClassNK’s guidelines draw on existing IMO guidelines and international standards on functional requirements, and product approval will be conducted based on these guidelines.

ClassNK’s guidelines for electronic logbooks can be downloaded from the Policies section of the company’s website after registration. The release of the guidelines for electronic logbooks is timely, as the digitalisation of shipping operations and automation technologies continue to disrupt traditional modes of operation. With the demand for accuracy and compliance, the use of electronic logbooks that meet standard requirements are expected to simplify operations and ensure compliance with regulations. Through the adoption of digital solutions, shipping is expected to see improvements in safety, efficiency, and environmental performance.

In conclusion, ClassNK’s guidelines for electronic logbooks are expected to standardise the use of electronic logs for all purposes on ships, and improve data accuracy while reducing workloads. Electronic logbooks, which are expected to become more widespread in the future, are expected to improve compliance with regulations and ensure safe and efficient operations. The digitalisation of shipping operations is a key trend in the industry, bringing about significant changes in the way shipping operations are conducted. By providing guidelines for the adoption of digital solutions such as electronic logbooks, ClassNK is helping shipping companies navigate this trend towards digitalisation.

Tags: classNK,maritime,electrical,logbooks,ships,machines,shipping


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