Collaboration between WinGD and Alfa Laval aims to advance ammonia-powered engines

WinGD Partners With Alfa Laval To Advance The Development Of Ammonia Powered Engines
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Alfa Laval and Swiss engine developer WinGD have formed a partnership to test ammonia-fueled engines, with Alfa Laval supplying two fuel supply systems for testing in early 2024. Ammonia is expected to become a key fuel in the shipping industry’s efforts to reduce carbon emissions, and WinGD is at the forefront of developing ammonia-powered engines. The collaboration with Alfa Laval is a significant step forward in advancing the use of ammonia as a future maritime fuel.

The partnership between WinGD and Alfa Laval involves the testing of ammonia fuel delivery systems for the engine research and innovation center in Switzerland. This falls within the framework of their previous agreement to collaborate on methanol and ammonia. Alfa Laval’s role in the project will rely on its extensive technical expertise in fuel delivery technology and experience with a wide range of conventional and alternative fuels.

Alfa Laval is actively involved in leading industry initiatives for zero-emission shipping and has made significant progress in developing technologies to use ammonia as a fuel. The company has received approval to test ammonia at its Test & Training Center in Aalborg and is collaborating with industry pioneers to contribute its expertise and development resources to ammonia fuel research.

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