Expedition Cruise Ship Windows Shattered by Fatal Wave

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The Accident Investigation Board of Norway has completed a review of the fatal accident aboard the expedition cruise ship Viking Polaris last November. The ship was hit by a high wave, breaking multiple windows and causing one passenger to be killed and eight others to be injured. The board has recommended improving the design standards for shipboard windows and has called on the operator to reinforce those aboard Viking Polaris and sister ship Viking Octantis.

The wave struck the ship in the notorious Drake Passage, causing major damage to the interior. The board concluded that the windows could have been designed to withstand more force, and the current rules for design pressure for ship windows do not take into account the effect of breaking waves. The board advised the vessel’s class society to take the matter up with IACS and develop stronger international standards. In the meantime, the board called on the Norwegian Maritime Authority to ensure that the operator of Viking Polaris and Viking Octantis makes reinforcements to ensure that breaking waves do not damage windows.

The wave that struck Viking Polaris has been described as a “rogue” wave of unusual and unexpected size, but the board noted that abnormally large waves are a regular occurrence in the Drake Passage. The board emphasized the need for a “robust” window design solution that accounts for breaking waves, not just operational measures to control risk.

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