Experts claim that unemployment is exacerbating maritime insecurity.

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Stakeholders in the maritime sector have attributed the insecurity in the industry to high levels of unemployment in Nigeria. They have called on the Federal Government to address the issue at its root. While piracy has decreased on Nigerian waterways, criminal activity in the sector remains a problem. Innocent Kalu, the Operation Supervisor at Inchcape Shipping Service, believes that involving the host communities is crucial in resolving the insecurity challenges. He suggests that unemployment plays a major role in the insecurity in Nigeria’s maritime industry.

Donald Izibuike, another player in the sector, agrees that the government needs to address the issue of unemployment. He believes that hunger and lack of job opportunities lead to insecurity, kidnapping, and other crimes. Izibuike suggests that the government should provide stipends or allowances to individuals who are unable to find jobs, to prevent them from turning to crime. He also emphasizes the importance of supporting the families of security agents and others to ensure safety.

In conclusion, stakeholders in the maritime sector have identified unemployment as a major contributor to the insecurity in Nigeria’s maritime industry. They urge the government to involve host communities and implement initiatives to address the root causes of unemployment. By providing support to those unable to find jobs and ensuring the well-being of security agents and their families, they believe that the government can help reduce criminal activity and improve safety in the sector.

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