First Methanol-Powered Ship Introduced by X-Press Feeders

X-Press Feeders' first dual-fuel ship, Eco Maestro. Photo courtesy X-Press Feeders
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Singapore-based X-Press Feeders has revealed new details about its first green methanol-powered dual-fuel vessels, with plans to create “green routes” to the Scandinavian-Baltic region of Northern Europe starting next year. The company, which currently operates a fleet of over 100 vessels, has 14 dual-fuel ships on order and is scheduled for delivery from 2023 to 2026. The ships, with a capacity of 1,200 TEU, will be the first of their kind to use biomethanol, a renewable energy source.

The maiden voyage of the first dual-fuel ship named Echo Maestro is set for the first quarter of next year, with the ship planned to use biomethanol for its journey from Shanghai to Rotterdam. X-Press Feeders is actively working with ports along the route to establish the necessary infrastructure for methanol supply, as well as collaborating with industry stakeholders to make sustainable shipping a reality.

By using green methanol, the company aims to significantly reduce CO2e emissions, with plans to reduce emissions by 20% by 2035, 50% by 2040, and strive for net-zero emissions by 2050. The company has also secured a contract with a Dutch fuel supplier to supply green methanol to the Port of Rotterdam from 2024, and aims to operate green routes connecting Rotterdam with ports in Northern Europe starting from the second quarter of next year. X-Press Feeders acknowledges the challenges associated with sustainable fuels, but is determined to take action in order to achieve its long-term emissions reduction goals.

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