Germany Finds Traces of Subsea Explosives in Nord Stream Gas Pipeline Sabotage Investigation

Nord Stream Inquiry Found Subsea
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Germany, Sweden, and Denmark have informed the U.N. Security Council that traces of subsea explosives have been found in a yacht suspected of transporting the explosives used in the Nord Stream gas pipelines’ bombings. Last September, a series of unexplained explosions damaged the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines that connect Russia and Germany under the Baltic Sea. In a letter to the Security Council, the three countries provided updates on their separate investigations into the incidents. Investigations are ongoing, and the exact conclusion dates remain unclear.

Germany’s inquiry focuses on a suspiciously chartered sailing yacht that was rented in a way to conceal the true charterer’s identity. Traces of subsea explosives were discovered in samples taken from the boat during the investigation. The letter also stated that trained divers could have potentially attached explosives to the Nord Stream pipelines’ points of damage, which are situated at a depth of approximately 70 to 80 meters on the seabed.

While Russia has accused the West of the bombings, Western governments and Ukraine have denied involvement. In March, Russia attempted to obtain a U.N. Security Council request for an independent inquiry into the Nord Stream blasts but was unsuccessful. The joint letter to the Security Council emphasized the difficulty of establishing the identity and motives of the perpetrators, particularly regarding whether the incidents were orchestrated by a state or state actor.

As the investigations into the Nord Stream pipeline bombings continue, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark have provided an update to the U.N. Security Council. Traces of subsea explosives were found in a yacht suspected of transporting the explosives responsible for the attacks. Germany’s inquiry also suggests the possibility of trained divers attaching the explosives to the damaged areas of the pipelines. While Russia has accused the West of the bombings, the true identity and motives of the perpetrators remain unknown. The three countries emphasized the complexity of the investigations and the inability to determine when they will be concluded.

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