Family and Crew of Boaters Honored for Heroic Rescue of Steel Worker

A family and a crew of boaters were honored for saving a steel worker who fell 140 feet into the river last year. The crew, practicing for such emergencies, reached the man in just three minutes. Both the Good Samaritans and the mariners, now hailed as heroes, say they would do it all again in a heartbeat.
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A family and a crew of boaters were honored for their heroic actions in saving a steel worker’s life after he fell 140 feet from the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit last year. Benita Flowers and her family witnessed the fall and immediately ran to alert the nearby mariners on the JW Wescott. The crew, who were having a meeting at the time, quickly jumped into action and reached the injured man within three minutes. They were able to rescue him from the river and provide medical assistance.

The crew and Good Samaritans were recognized by the Coast Guard for their quick thinking and bravery. They were presented with the Captain David P. Dobbins Award for excellence in search and rescue. The crew was also recognized for another water rescue they made 10 days after the steelworker’s fall. Despite the recognition, both the Good Samaritans and the mariners emphasized that they were not seeking recognition and would do it all again in a heartbeat. The family of the steelworker declined an interview, as he continues to recover.

The family and crew of boaters were hailed as heroes for their actions in saving the steel worker’s life after he fell from the Ambassador Bridge in Detroit. The mariners quickly jumped into action and were able to rescue the injured man from the river within three minutes. Both the Good Samaritans and the mariners were recognized by the Coast Guard for their bravery and quick thinking, receiving the Captain David P. Dobbins Award for excellence in search and rescue. Despite the recognition, they emphasized that they were not seeking recognition and would do it all again in a heartbeat.

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