GTT’s three-tank concept receives AIP from Lloyd’S

GTT's three-tank concept receives AIP from Lloyd'S
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GTT and Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) have achieved Approval in Principle (AIP) from Lloyd’s Register for a new liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrier design that utilises GTT’s three-tank concept with the Mark III Flex Cone Containment system. This design was developed as part of a joint development project (JDP) aimed at creating a new generation of LNG carriers. The concept provides benefits such as increased LNG loading capacity and improved maintenance efficiency by eliminating a cofferdam, pump tower, and all associated cryogenic equipment. The ratio between transported LNG volume and the surface area of ​​the cryogenic liner will make it possible to achieve a boil-off rate of only 0.080%, which is expected to reduce the ship’s weight and carbon footprint.

The new three-tank LNG tanker design also offers almost equivalent loading time to the standard four-tank LNG tanker configuration thanks to an adapted pump tower. The approval is a significant step towards more innovative ship designs that could reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increase cargo capacity, and minimise operating costs. The design will enable LNG owners to reduce the length of their vessels and maximise cargo hauling potential with a streamlined design.

Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT, said that the development will benefit all players in the maritime sector by improving the performance of LNG tankers while reducing their carbon footprint. Youngkyu Ahn, Vice President of Shipbuilding Engineering Division of Samsung Heavy Industries, added that the breakthrough design is expected to usher in a new era of LNG carriers and that Samsung Heavy Industries will continue to research and develop innovative designs in the future. The AIP represents an important advancement for LNG owners, according to Young-Doo Kim, TSO Manager Northeast Asia at Lloyd’s Register.

The JDP study has identified several advantages of this new design for ship owners and operators, including increased LNG loading capacity, improved maintenance efficiency, and reduced carbon footprint. The concept allows for increased loading capacity, improved boil-off rate, and easier maintenance due to the removal of a cofferdam, pump tower and associated equipment. SHI’s continued efforts in innovation have led to its recent success in developing a new three-tank LNG tanker design in collaboration with GTT.


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