Guidance from ABS for Ensuring Compliance with EU ETS Directive Requirements

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The ABS Regulatory News report provides guidance to shipping companies on complying with the requirements of the EU ETS Directive. The directive, which was revised on June 5, 2023, will be implemented in the maritime industry starting from January 1, 2024, for cargo and passenger ships of 5000 GT and above, and from January 1, 2027, for offshore ships of the same size.

The extension of the EU ETS Directive to maritime transport introduces additional reporting requirements, which are explained in the ABS Regulatory News 10/2023. The European Commission is expected to adopt delegated acts for the inclusion of CH4 and N2O emissions and greenhouse gas emissions from offshore ships by October 1, 2023. Shipping companies are required to submit updated monitoring plans to the ABS through the THETIS-MRV platform by December 31, 2023, or the soonest possible before April 1, 2024.

From January 1, 2024, shipping companies must monitor and report emissions for cargo and passenger ships of 5000 GT and above. From January 1, 2025, they must also monitor and report emissions for offshore ships of the same size and general cargo ships below 5000 GT but not below 400 GT. Starting from March 31, 2025, and each year after, shipping companies must submit verified emissions reports for each ship and an aggregated emissions report at the company level to their administering authority, flag states concerned, and the European Commission.

Shipping companies are required to continue reporting their greenhouse gas emissions through the THETIS-MRV platform. The administering authority may request verified emissions reports and aggregated emissions data at the company level before March 31, but not earlier than February 28 of each year.

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