Houthis’ Seizure of Galaxy Leader Prompts U.S. Reevaluation of ‘Terrorist’ Designation

The Galaxy Leader cargo ship is escorted by Houthi boats in the Red Sea in this photo released November 20, 2023. Houthi Military Media/Handout via REUTERS
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The US is considering putting the Iran-backed Houthis back on its list of terrorist organizations after the rebels hijacked a ship in Gaza as retaliation for the war. The National Security Council spokesman, John Kirby, stated that they have begun reviewing potential terrorist designations and are considering other options in response to recent attacks on civilians and the piracy of the vessel in international waters. The United States is also calling out Iran for its involvement in supporting the Houthi forces.

The Biden administration had initially removed the terrorist designation of the Houthi fighters as part of efforts to end the war in Yemen, but there is now pressure to restore the terrorism label, including from some Middle Eastern allies and members of Congress. Redesignating the Houthis as a foreign terrorist organization would send a strong signal about the threat the group poses to allies and regional stability in the Middle East, according to U.S. senators.

Ships have often been caught in tensions between various groups in the Middle East, disrupting the flow of energy and other goods. The Houthis have claimed responsibility for attacks in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Oman, as well as in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia with drones and missiles.

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