IMO takes stronger stance to combat “shadow” tanker fleet

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The United Nations shipping agency has adopted a resolution targeting illegal shipping practices by the unregulated “shadow fleet” in an effort to curb unsafe activities at sea. The resolution, adopted at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) meeting in London, calls on flag states to comply with regulations and prohibits or regulates the transport of cargoes by sea, known as STS operations. It also recommends that port states subject ships to increased inspections if they are deliberately avoiding detection.

The “shadow fleet” includes hundreds of old oil tankers that are part of a parallel fleet of ships carrying oil, including those for Russia and Iran, which are hit by Western sanctions. The resolution also highlighted concerns raised by the Iranian and Russian delegations, with both expressing reservations about the proposals and the perceived departure from the IMO’s remit.

Russia, in particular, failed to win enough votes to be re-elected to the IMO’s executive branch after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky asked countries not to include Moscow in the UN body. Overall, the resolution aims to address the illegal activities of the “shadow fleet” and improve safety and regulation of shipping practices.

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