ITF Highlights Plight of Abandoned Indian Seafarers

The International Transport Workers' Federation (ITF) reports that Indian seafarers are the most abandoned nationality, with 411 cases recorded so far in 2024. Two vessels in the UAE have all-Indian crew members abandoned in extreme conditions, highlighting the urgent need for attention to the plight of seafarers worldwide.
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The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has highlighted the issue of seafarers being abandoned by shipowners, with Indians being the most abandoned nationality in 2024. The union has dealt with over 100 abandonment cases each year, affecting over 1,000 seafarers globally. Last year, 401 out of 1,983 abandoned seafarers were Indian, and so far in 2024, 411 out of 1,672 abandoned seafarers are Indian.

Two vessels in the UAE currently have 16 all-Indian crew members abandoned aboard in extreme conditions, with unpaid wages, lack of provisions, and malfunctioning facilities. The ITF is raising awareness about the misuse of Flags of Convenience (FOC) system, which allows shipowners to avoid crew safety and welfare responsibilities. The union’s campaign aims to eliminate the FOC system and ensure seafarers on FOC ships are protected from exploitation.

ITF’s efforts include a political campaign to establish a genuine link between a ship’s flag and the nationality of its owners and seafarers, as well as an industrial campaign to enforce decent wages and conditions for seafarers on FOC ships. The union has a zero-tolerance stance on abandonment and works to raise awareness among seafarers about seeking help and ensuring contracts are adhered to on board ships.

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