India’s Efforts to Rescue Rohingya Refugees at Sea

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India recently carried out a successful maritime rescue operation to save a boat adrift at sea for 14 days, carrying over 140 Rohingya individuals. The boat had suffered a mechanical failure while en route from Bangladesh to Indonesia. The rescued individuals found refuge on Andaman Island, where they are receiving necessary assistance and care, demonstrating India’s commitment to aiding those in distress at sea, regardless of nationality.

The Rohingya, considered one of the most persecuted minorities, likely fled their home regions due to challenging conditions. The rescue operation provided them with immediate relief and a safe haven from the perilous conditions they faced at sea. India’s unwavering commitment to humanitarian causes is evident in this rescue operation, offering hope and safety to those in dire need, and serving as a shining example of its dedication to providing aid beyond its borders.

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