Integration of Maritime Studies in School Curriculum for Economic Growth

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Maritime stakeholders in Nigeria are calling on the government to incorporate maritime studies into primary and secondary school curricula. The project coordinator of the Maritime Writes Project, Ezinna Azunna, emphasized that integrating maritime education into the school system is crucial for Nigeria to achieve its goal of becoming a leading maritime nation in Africa. Azunna noted that the maritime industry plays a significant role in the Nigerian economy and global trade, and it is important to focus on empowering youth in this sector. She also highlighted the importance of developing literature and learning approaches related to maritime in the educational system, as successful shipping nations have done.

The Maritime Writes Project recently held a creative writing boot camp in Lagos, which aimed to promote the Nigerian maritime sector and highlight its impact on the economy. Dr. Taiwo Nolas-Alausa, the Head of Faculty for the project, expressed satisfaction with the progress made and shared the success story of one of their trainees who won a scholarship to the African Leadership Academy in South Africa. The project aims to nurture young writers and hopes to produce literary scholars of the caliber of Chimamanda Adichie, Chinua Achebe, and Wole Soyinka.

During the training session, Prof. Adegbite Tobalase, the Head of the creative writing review and editing panel, emphasized the importance of good writing skills and the opportunities they can bring. Participants expressed optimism about the training and its potential to improve their writing abilities, particularly in the context of maritime topics.

Overall, maritime stakeholders in Nigeria are advocating for the integration of maritime studies into the school curriculum to support the nation’s aspirations of becoming a leading maritime nation and to empower youth in the sector. The Maritime Writes Project is working towards this goal by organizing creative writing boot camps and nurturing young writers.

Reference Source: Google News .


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