Introducing CHIRP’s Newsletter on Safety in the Fishing Industry

CHIRP introduces the newsletter on safety in the fishing sector
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CHIRP Maritime, a voluntary near miss reporting system, is celebrating its 20th anniversary by launching a new fishing industry security newsletter. The goal of the newsletter is to create a safe and non-judgmental learning environment where fishermen can share and learn from the experiences of others. By doing so, CHIRP hopes to prevent similar incidents in the future and contribute to a safer maritime environment overall.

The first issue of the newsletter includes incidents such as a serious accident caused by a failure to communicate maintenance intentions and the hidden dangers of unexploded ordnance. It also highlights the cascading effects of deviation from local communication protocols through a collision between a fishing vessel and a ferry within a port. The importance of personal safety equipment and self-rescue measures is emphasized, with recommendations such as carrying a waterproof handheld FM radio or a Personal tracking beacon (PLB) and rigging self-rescue ladders.

CHIRP’s independent and confidential incident and near miss reporting program aims to improve maritime safety worldwide. They investigate each report and publish anonymized findings to raise awareness of security issues. By sharing and learning from these incidents, CHIRP hopes to create a safer maritime environment for all involved.

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