Is ORC waste heat recovery suitable for every ship?

Is ORC waste heat recovery suitable for every ship?
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Waste Heat to Power (WHR) technology is gaining popularity in the maritime industry due to its ability to convert waste heat into clean onboard power, thus reducing emissions and fuel consumption. Climeon’s HeatPower 300 Marine system uses Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) to turn low-temperature waste heat into sustainable onboard energy. ORC WHR systems have the potential to generate clean energy on board almost every type of ship, but this potential depends on a vessel’s specific design and operational profile. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to decarbonize the maritime industry, making it crucial to find the best technologies for each ship to increase energy efficiency and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Factors such as a ship’s engine type and cooling circuit design, and the ship’s planned itinerary and engine use, affect the production of clean energy. By assessing a vessel’s thermal energy availability, it is possible to estimate the maximum net power output of the HeatPower 300 Marine units as well as fuel savings, emissions reductions, payback periods, and ROI to determine the best solution for each ship. WHR technology can play a critical role in decarbonizing the industry, improving a ship’s environmental rating and performance, while helping to lower costs that make it an excellent option for ship owners and operators seeking to reduce carbon emissions.

Tags: climeon


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