Maersk introduces new customer engagement initiative in India

Maersk announces customer engagement programme
Maersk introduces the "Live Connect session" for customers in Kolkata, Haldia, Visakhapatnam, and local ICDs. By sharing insights, customers can help shape a more customer-centric platform. Topics covered in the session include features, import procedures, documentation, and more. Join the virtual session on March 28th, 2024, at 3:00 PM. Click the link to join.
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Maersk has introduced a customer engagement program called “Live Connect session” for customers in Kolkata, Haldia, Visakhapatnam, and local ICDs. The aim is to provide a better understanding of Maersk website features, import procedures, and documentation. Customers are encouraged to share their insights to shape a more customer-centric platform and enhance the digital experience.

The agenda of the engagement program includes topics such as features, import processes, invoice and payment procedures, and feedback sessions. The session will cover various aspects of Maersk services and allow customers to ask questions and provide suggestions for improvement. The session is scheduled for 28th March 2024 from 03:00 PM to 04:00 PM on Microsoft Teams Platform.

The Live Connect session will focus on providing customers with a comprehensive understanding of Maersk services and processes. Customer input and feedback will play a crucial role in shaping a more efficient and customer-friendly platform. By engaging with customers directly, Maersk aims to enhance transparency and improve customer interactions for a better overall experience.

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