Maersk’s carbon-neutral voyage fuelled by bio-methanol.

Maersk Secures Fuel For First Methanol Containership
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Maersk, the Danish shipping company, has confirmed that it has secured fuel for its first carbon-neutral methanol-powered vessel. The ship, which runs on bio-methanol fuel created from biogas harvested from decomposing landfill waste, will travel from South Korea to Denmark, marking a 21,500 km journey fuelled entirely by sustainable sources. The green methanol market is still in its infancy, according to Maersk’s Head of Energy Transition, Morten Bo Christiansen, who expressed his surprise at securing the first voyage. Christiansen added that Maersk expects a diverse green fuel mix to feature prominently in the future.

Maersk, which aims to transport 25% of ocean cargo using green fuels by 2030 and obtain net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, has ordered 19 methanol-enabled ships. Sourcing sustainable fuels remains one of the primary obstacles to achieving the company’s goals. Maersk has formed several partnerships with suppliers and ports to ensure a stable supply, including a deal to purchase half the capacity of a plant making e-methanol in Denmark. It will also collaborate with a Shanghai port on green methanol marine fuel.

Maersk was recently ranked number one in the 2021 Clean Cargo Ocean Carrier Environmental Performance Report, which measures the environmental impact of ocean carriers across multiple criteria. The company’s partnership with manufacturers and suppliers is part of its strategy to encourage the widespread adoption of sustainable fuels across the shipping industry.

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