Marina Aims for 15% Reduction in GHG Emissions from PH-Registered Ships by 2028

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The Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA) in the Philippines has set targets to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and waste from Philippine-registered ships by 2028. The agency aims to achieve a 15% reduction in GHG emissions from Philippine-registered ships engaged in international trade by the end of 2028. They also plan to increase the number of Philippine-registered convention ships compliant with the International Maritime Organization’s fuel oil sulfur limit by 30% by the same deadline. Additionally, MARINA aims to reduce solid and liquid waste from ships by 50% by the end of 2028. These targets are part of MARINA’s Maritime Industry Development Plan 2028, which aims to develop a sustainable and globally competitive maritime industry in the Philippines.

To achieve these targets, MARINA has created the Marine Environment Protection Development Service (MEDPS) to focus on the development of standards and programs for marine environment protection. The MEDPS will work on implementing environmental regulations and standards to prevent pollution from shipping activities and reduce negative impacts on the marine environment. The agency also plans to incentivize shipping companies to modernize their ships and make them more environmentally friendly. MARINA has included the budget for some of these programs in its proposed 2024 general appropriation.

Transitioning to green shipping may be costly for ship owners, but MARINA aims to provide incentives and create a business model for retrofitting ships to make them more environmentally friendly. The agency also plans to develop an integrated marine environment protection information system and conduct awareness programs for stakeholders. By implementing these measures, MARINA hopes to create a sustainable maritime industry and contribute to the reduction of GHG emissions and waste in the Philippines.

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