UK: Maritime experts urged to volunteer for industry expansion

Maritime UK Solent is calling on maritime and marine professionals to volunteer during Volunteers' Week, June 3-9. The free online Maritime Ambassadors Event on June 6, part of the Inspiring the Future campaign, allows volunteers to share industry experiences with young people. Claire Hogan, a current maritime ambassador, finds it rewarding to inspire youth about maritime careers.
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Maritime UK Solent is encouraging maritime and marine professionals to volunteer during Volunteers’ Week, which takes place from June 3-9. As part of the national Inspiring the Future campaign, a free online Maritime Ambassadors Event is scheduled for June 6, where volunteers can share their industry experiences with young people. The event aims to showcase the impact of current ambassadors and inspire youth to pursue maritime careers.

The Maritime Ambassadors Event will provide details on volunteering as a Maritime Ambassador and highlight the contributions of current ambassadors in shaping the future of the maritime industry. Claire Hogan, a marine services SHE-Q officer and current maritime ambassador, emphasized the rewarding experience of sharing life experiences with young people and educating them about career opportunities in the maritime sector. Hogan particularly enjoys seeing the excitement on children’s faces when they realize the career options available to them in the maritime industry.

Becoming a Maritime Ambassador for Careers in Maritime is highly recommended by Claire Hogan and offers a fulfilling opportunity to inspire and educate young people about the diverse career paths in the maritime industry. The event aims to engage volunteers in sharing their expertise and knowledge with youth, ultimately encouraging them to consider pursuing maritime careers. By participating in Volunteers’ Week and the Maritime Ambassadors Event, professionals can make a positive impact on the future generation of maritime professionals.

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